Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Forest Gump Vs. Henry Flemming

Forest Gump: He hesitated to run. He went back to help the other wounded soldiers. He saved all of his platoon that was left and got wounded in the process. Forest went back to help his friend and tried to save him but could not because he was wounded to badly.

Henry Flemming: He started running without anyone telling him to. After he outran everyone, he wondered around like he was lost instead of going back and helping his fellow soldiers. When Henry saw his friend, he did not try to help him, but just looked at him.

Similarities between Henry and Forest: Both run from the battle line. Neither one of them want to be in war. They are both scared of being in war.

Wounded Warrior Project

The Wounded Warrior Project is a organization that was started by veterans and friends, inspired by stories of service members returning home from Afghanistan and Iraq, who decided to help wounded soldiers in need. This program started out by just giving comfort items to service members. But now it is a rehabilitative effort to help the soldiers back into normal lives. The purpose of this project is to help the many wounded soldiers, inspire others to help, to provide programs to the wounded warriors and inspire other warriors to help too.